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Friday, August 31, 2018

Rude Awakening Goes To Press

Rude Awakening Goes To Press


It's been a long road, but we're nearing the finish line. The book is being published by Page Publishing, and should go to press in the next week...FINALLY!

Rude Awakening is the story of the attempted murder of, Knoxville businessman, Rob Whedbee by his wife and her lover, the story follows the events that lead up to the attempt, and the judicial fiasco the followed.

We'll keep you updated with release information and book signings.

Many thanks for your support during this long process!

Rude Awakening Goes To Press


It's been a long road, but we're nearing the finish line. The book is being published by Page Publishing, and should go to press in the next week...FINALLY!

Rude Awakening is the story of the attempted murder of, Knoxville businessman, Rob Whedbee by his wife and her lover, the story follows the events that lead up to the attempt, and the judicial fiasco the followed.

We'll keep you updated with release information and book signings.

Many thanks for your support during this long process!