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Tuesday, July 2, 2013


So many of you have helped me, more than you can know, with your words of encouragement, and through some of your ideas and comments related to my book. Thank you so much!
We'd like to add some quotes to the manuscript proposal, and even though some of you have answered similar questions in the past, we wanted to collect them in one place. SO...
The first 25 people to complete the following mini-survey will receive a first edition, autographed copy of my book when it is released. If you'd like to participate, please put your answers in the comment section following this post. Be sure to include your name and email address, and note whether you would rather have your comments posted anonymously. Otherwise your name (not your email) will follow your quote. Also, if you are not comfortable using your email address, just say, "Respond through Facebook." Feel free to add other thoughts or questions you may have. Many thanks.
Email address:
1. What most intrigues/interests you about my story?
2. Would you, and if so, why would you buy this book?
3. What is your preferred reading format? (hard back, paperback, e-books, etc.) 
We'll announce the winners next week.