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Friday, February 22, 2013

"Mother of the Year"


Rob began to sift through the papers, photographs, and documents that chronicled the trauma that had almost cost him his life and had torn him and his family apart. There it was…a copy of the fairy tale Michael Frazier and Lisa has been so proud of: A Mother’s Nightmare, A Mother’s Dream, a human interest story, featured in The Oak Ridger, a small daily paper where Michael worked.  Rob never claimed to know much about writing, but he did know journalists were supposed to tell the “who, what, when, where, why, and how,”, and adhere to the facts when they wrote their stories…This article was largely shreds of distorted truth designed to make Lisa seem like “Mother of the Year.” It conveniently skipped over the ugly parts. Not only did Frazier’s farcical account of Lisa’s “nightmare” fail to mention some of the prime examples of Lisa’s neglect and rejection of Brittany, neatly sweeping those facts under some magical rug, the article also painted the picture that “poor” Lisa, was the savior and heroine, dealing with her “nightmare” on her own. The truth was that Rob and the grandparents were doing the lion’s share of caring for those kids, as Lisa spent  less and less time at home, eager for any opportunity to leave the kids in someone else’s care. As had always been the case with Lisa, how things appeared was the important thing, no matter how far from the truth appearances were.
He began to read it again, choking back the gag reflex it always made him feel. OK, maybe there were some fragments of the truth. In the article, Lisa actually admitted, “It sounds bad, I know, but I was rejecting Brittany. I didn’t want to hold her. When people would say ‘She’s so cute,” I would think, ‘she’s not cute. She’s different.”  Lisa’s own words, verbatim, convicted her.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

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You can access additional information about Rob and the book on Facebook, as well as discuss aspects with other followers. Input is welcome and greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Attempted Murder of Rob Whedbee: Why I Am Writing This Book...

For years I debated over whether anyone would be interested in reading my story…more specifically what really happened. The TV segments continue to run, and every time one runs on TV, I get emails from all over the country and even from Europe. I also began to really feel the need to get my story out there for numerous reasons.
  1. I want to set the record straight and maybe achieve some degree of vindication…In other words, tell my side of the story, or shall I say, what really happened. I feel that the facts were grossly distorted by much of the media and the spin created by the defense, and of course, I was falsely vilified during the first trial.
  2. I want to attempt to inspire others who have been victims of violent crimes at the hands of their spouse and others, and who have seen their families torn apart. I want to encourage those individuals to pick themselves up and move forward with rebuilding their lives. I want those who have experienced the ultimate betrayal by their spouses to know that it is possible to live again, and maybe even trust again.
  3. I want to explain to some degree how the criminal judicial system operates. I don’t think that most people know that the scales of justice are not always equal. I trusted the system and it failed me.
  4. Finally, I want to recognize my parents who gave up their retirement years to help me raise my children since their mother abandoned them. I also want to recognize those whose support has helped me through some difficult years.